Rec Framework

Rec Data Processing Framework

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Best Practices


Rec support both Jar module and CommonJS module, you can use both of them to create re-usable modules for more powerful data processing programs.

Jar module

To use Jar module, you can just put the jar archive to related class path, i.e. the path you specified to the JVM.

e.g. You want to use JDBI to access PostgreSQL database, just put the related jar lib to lib/ directory and simply run:

java -cp 'lib/*' net.kimleo.rec.App <the-script-file>

CommonJS module

Rec’s CommonJS module is similiar to NodeJS module, in module file, you can just use module.exports to exports your API, and later in program script, just directly require(<the module>), and all stuff in the module file will be loaded.

see API/require for details.